On Day 2 of Stop Feeling Sorry For Yourself And Fucking Do Something, the challenge was to buy a piece of crap jewelry from the thrift store, venture afterwards to Michael’s Craft Emporium & Milkshake Palace and purchase whatever accessories I deem necessary to turn said piece of crap into Something Awesome. Scanning the mess of castaways beneath a scratched glass countertop, I selected a slightly tarnished gold pillbox with tiny rhinestones embedded into the waffle-print lid. I don’t think I was immediately struck by inspiration, but I felt good about my choice. It was…not attractive, but I do love a hinged lid.
We later ambled into Michael’s where I started perusing the aisles until an idea presented itself. I picked up some Scene-A-Rama moss, a bag of miniature rubber dinosaurs, and some midnight blue enamel paint with the idea of creating a a miniature scene inside of the pillbox.
With the enire “Walking With Dinosaurs” series playing in the background, I dug into my stash of collected natural ephemera, deciding on some dried flowers from Bear’s childhood home in Boulder, and some tree bark from our hike in the Rocky Mountains. I had wanted to use some of the stones and wood collected in the desert north of Phoenix, Arizona, but…PILLBOX. I’ll save those for another day.
And then I made this thing:
I botched the paint job, so I’m going to try and strip it down and reapply, letting the rhinestones shine through; I was going for a midnight sky full of stars, but I’ll take Paint Job Not Done By Blind Girl. Otherwise, I’m pretty happy with the end results.
And now I have to take it to work and keep it on my desk all week, as per the terms and conditions of this project.